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Cluster is co-promoter of two Mobilizing Projects

Mobilizing Projects are strategic R&D projects approved by the National Innovation Agency that aim to create new products, processes or services with a high technological and innovation content, that contribute to their value chain and are configured as dynamizing capacities and scientific and technological skills. These projects aim to induce significant impacts at the multisectoral level, namely allowing the endogenization and exploitation of the developed technologies.

In particular, the following projects are underway:

  • The InovMineral 4.0 consortium, which is part of the Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources, is an extension of the already started InovStone 4.0 project of Pedra Natural and covers the entire value chain of Mineral Resources, including the new thematic areas of Circular Economy, Digitization of Collaborative Processes and dynamization and creation of competences.

  • The Digital Construction Revolution consortium, of the Cluster AEC, REV @ CONSTRUCTION, aims at the Digital Construction Revolution based on the sector's need to achieve gains in productivity and sustainable growth, which can leverage its competitiveness in Portugal and at European and Global level . The project brings together a broad consortium of 24 entities, composed of 15 companies (Teixeira Duarte, BIMMS, Casais, IP, Increase Estimate, Engexport, IPQ, A400, Mota-Engil, 3MAPS, OUZO, COBA, FASE, Adão Da Fonseca and Contacto Atlântico), 2 non-profit business associations (Cluster AEC and Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources Association) and 7 non-business entities (INESC-TEC, UM, LNEC, IST, FEUP, IC and ISEL).

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