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University of Évora launches Master in Geological Engineering

The University of Évora recently announced the Master in Geological Engineering, a program eminently oriented towards the Labor Market, based on the principle "Learning by Doing, towards Competence and Employability".

The master's degree stems from the Interuniversity Agreement between the University of Évora and the University of Castilla la Mancha - UCLM (Spain) and allows students from both institutions to obtain a double title of Master in Geological Engineering and the "Grado en Tecnologia Minera".

In addition, the student can carry out his Dissertation / Internship / Project in a Business Context. To this end, cooperation protocols were established with more than 30 companies and institutions specialized in Geological and Geotechnical Exploration, Exploration and Transformation of Industrial and Ornamental Rocks, Engineering and Environmental Geology, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Slope Stability, Water Resources , Geological and Geotechnical Cartography, Mineral Resources, Inspection of Extractive Activity.

The main objective of the Study Plan, which lasts 4 semesters, is to provide future teachers with solid and integrated training in Geo-resources and Geotechnics, which provides them with skills in acting in several domains of Geoengineering.

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